Saturday, June 30, 2007


These are the "firsts" that I took yesterday. We received the keys to our house about 3:15pm on Friday, June 29, 2007! We are HOMEOWNERS! I have attached a few pictures.

Our first...

...picture of us in front of our house

...first food in the panty

...first rain


...and first dish washed

So much fun, more to come! I am painting my scrap room on Thursday! Be on the look out for pictures on Friday!

Friday, June 29, 2007


We are waiting...
we are waiting...
we are waiting...
Thoght we'd be busy all morning packing and unpacking into our new house. But we've been to breakfast and back and we're just waiting for our realtor to call us and tell us to go pick up our keys! We don't want to load the truck cuz it looks like it might rain, so we are just sitting. Good new is, my new Memory Makers came today and now I have time to look at it. (thought I wouldn't have a chance) Well on that note, I'm going to go read! Tata

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paper signing

Well...we just signed all the papers to own our house today. The actual closing isn't until tomorrow but the title company was really busy tomorrow to have us come in and sign papers so we signed them today. After the title company gets everything filed tomorrow, they're going to call us to pick up the keys! (They said by noon we should have them) Then we will be officially homeowners!!! How exciting is that??? that that's all done, it's time for some chicken wings, steak, and couscous! Blog at ya lata!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blog beginner

So, here it is. I am bloggin' it for the first time. I have been avoiding it because I didn't want to get sucked in. But I just can't resist any longer. I have so much going on in my life right now, I'll hafta fill ya in at another time. Blog ya later!